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Php Cookies

first of all what is the need of cookie ?
Why we use cookie ?

Lets discuss it.
With the use of POST and GET method we can fetch the data which is transfer from previous page , but suppose we want that data in all pages of my site mean throughout the site then ?

Then the solution is Cookie.
When you create a cookie, using the function setcookie, you must specify three arguments.
These arguments are setcookie(name, value, expiration):

 name: The name of your cookie. You will use this name to later retrieve your cookie, so don't forget it!
 value: The value that is stored in your cookie. Common values are username(string) and last visit(date).
 expiration:   The date when the cookie will expire and be deleted. If you do not set this expiration date, then it will be treated as a session cookie and be removed when the browser is restarted.


 //Calculate 60 days in the future
//seconds * minutes * hours * days + current time
 $inTwoMonths = 60 * 60 * 24 * 60 + time(); 
setcookie('name of cookie',date("G:i - m/d/y"),$inTwoMonths); 

Retrieving Your Cookie

 if(isset($_COOKIE['name of ur cookie']))
 $visit = $_COOKIE['lastVisit']; 
 echo "You've got some stale cookies!";

echo "Your last visit was - ". $visit;




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