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Full form of some words

In our routine life we use some common words , but we dont know the full form of that word.
The following are some of them

The most common words
    lol : lots of laughter   or   laughing out loudly
   O.K. is the original term, which stands for "oll korrect", a sarcastic spelling of "all correct". Comes all the way to use from the 1800s.

1) JPEG or JPG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (graphics file compression standard)

2) MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group (defines compression standards)

3) GIF : Graphic Interchange Format

4) PNG : Portable Network Graphics (Comparatively better then JPEG and support binary transparency
and alpha channel transparency)

5) PDF : Portable Document Format

6) DVD : Digital Versatile Disk

7) CD  : Compact disc

8) VCD : Video compact disc

9) ATM : Automated Teller Machine

10)TRP : Television Rating Point


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