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Change port in Wamp server

Difference Between $ and $$
When you face the problem that Wampserver is not working or localhost is not working.
There mainly because of three reason

Namely :
i)When in your system Skype (some application which use same port) is running
ii) In your system IIS is running
iii) For any other reason confliction

We will sort out it one by one.
1) When in your system skype (some application which use same port) is running ,
Aassume in your  system  skype is running at that time first start your wamp after that start your skype   then both will work.
      It is because skype use either port 80 or 443 .
      If you dont want to do each and every time just follow the steps for permanent solution

    i) Open skype ->> select tools ->> option

    ii) Now click on advanced and in advance connection . You can find a checkbox Use port 80 and 443  as     alternatives for incoming connections. just uncheck ans save it.

2) In your system IIS is running
    Then follow the steps to run your wamp server
    i) Open Control panel ->> Add or remove programs

    ii) Then you can find "Add/Remove windows Component" in left panel.Click it

    iii) You can find IIS (Internet Information service) . Uncheck it and press next button and then finish.It    will  work.

3) Suppose for x reason you want to change port of your wamp server . Then follow the steps
     i) Left click on wamp tray icon(which is at right bottom side)

     ii) Then in appache there is httpd.conf file , open it

     iii) You can find "Listen 80" and Change it to your desired port

     (for example : Listen 8081
     - http://localhost:8081/
     - http://localhost:8081/phpmyadmin/
     - http://localhost:8081/sqlitemanager/ )

     iv) Save it and close it and restart your services .



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