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Facebook pulls rape joke pages

Social networking giant Facebook has removed several controversial pages that have been heavily criticized for making jokes about rape.

The group pages, tilted, "You know she's playing hard to get when you're chasing her down an alleyway" had 194,370 likes on Facebook, and was widely criticised by victim support groups.

Facebook said there is no place on the social networking site for content that is "hateful, threatening, or incites violence."

However, controversial postings may remain if administrators add a tag stating they are humorous or satire, the BBC reports.


Facebook said it took the action because the pages broke its terms and conditions.

"We take reports of questionable and offensive content very seriously," Facebook said.

"Groups or pages that express an opinion on a state, institution, or set of beliefs - even if that opinion is outrageous or offensive to some - do not by themselves violate our policies," it added.

Facebook however, refused to take it down earlier saying the site wanted to 'allow freedom of expression,'

"It is very important to point out that what one person finds offensive another can find entertaining, just as telling a rude joke won't get you thrown out of your local pub, it won't get you thrown off Facebook,"


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