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Kapil Sibal launches tablet computer

Union Communications and Information Technology Minister Kapil Sibal launched 'Akash' (a 35 dollar tablet) here on Wednesday.

Addressing the gathering on the occasion, an extremely delighted Sibal said with the launch of Akash, India demonstrates to the world that it has not faltered in its resolve to secure the future of the children.

"There are some moments in history, which will be milestones recognized by future generations. This is one such moment. Today, we see the beginning of dram realised. A dream in which every student in every corner of the country will have access to technology that defines the 21st century. Today, we reach for the sky and achieve what others said was impossible. Today, we demonstrate to the world that we will not falter in our resolve to secure our future for our children. Today we celebrate 'Akash' and ponder over it and understand for ourselves what it means for our educational system and for our children," said Sibal.

"But let me not limit the achievements of this great enterprise to only our children. Akash ultimately is a device, it is a low cost device, which will enable the children of the world to access information. Let me send out a message not to just our children, but the children around the world. This is not just for us," he added.

A tablet computer, or simply tablet, is a complete mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone or personal digital assistant, integrated into a flat touch screen and primarily operated by touching the screen.

It often uses an onscreen virtual keyboard, a passive stylus pen, or a digital pen, rather than a physical keyboard. (ANI)


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